Please Fire Me, I Hate My Job

Nancy Anderson
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I was talking to a friend of mine who absolutely LOATHES her job. She would love to have the chance to quit, but given the current economic climate, there is just no way that she can leave her job without having another one lined up. In the latest reports, almost 10 percent of the population is out of work, this means that even having a nest egg of four or five months worth of living expenses isn't enough. You don't have to look very hard to find stories of people who are well educated professionals who have been out of work for six months or more. It is just a risk she just can't take.

More and more, it seems that unhappy employees have no choice but to keep showing up at jobs that they can't stand. Their performance starts to go down and they find themselves doing the bare minimum to keep their jobs, if that. It is as if they quit, but keep showing up. Soldiering on in a job that you hate can be soul crushing, but as more people find themselves frustrated with their jobs and stuck, there has developed a real need for people to have a place to vent their woes. One interesting place for people to do just that is

PleaseFireMe is a super funny site where people can anonymously write it short messaged about things that happen at their jobs that make them want to find new employment. There tagline is “Submit if you can't Quit”. This makes for a hilarious read, and gives hope to anyone stuck in a job they hate. Here are some of the gems from the site-

"Please fire me. My co-worker asked me how to spell “really,” then asked if I was sure it didn’t have a “g” in it."

"Please fire me. My boss just typed “google” into the Google search bar."

"Please fire me. My boss regularly prints out .pdf e-mail attachments and then asks me to scan them into our server as a .pdf."

"Please fire me. Last week I was disciplined for smiling."

"Please fire me. One of my students wrote that she wants to go to graduate school and get her “doctric”. She is a senior in college and will teach elementary children next year."

"Please fire me. I am a recent college graduate with a published thesis on immigration ethics. I am currently working for a payday loan company which preys on people who manage their money poorly. Yesterday, our collections department filed to foreclose on a 93-year-old woman’s house because she forgot about her loan. It had been refinanced 64 times. That’s $5760 she has given my company. The loan was for $300. After speaking with three different managers, I was told to “take everything she’s got” rather than just calling it even."

So, if you are dealing with a bad boss or stuck in a job you hate, know that you aren't alone. Sometimes just being able to laugh at it all can make it just a bit more bearable. Keep looking for a new job and don't give up hope!

Let me know some of your funny stories of bad bosses and hopeless jobs.

By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a freelance writer and regular contributor to several websites and other publications, a volunteer, a full time mom and an active job seeker.

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