Making Ends Meet

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With the way the economy is today, people are working a second or even a third job. Working two or three part time jobs to make ends meet can be very challenging. Some people are working a full time job and a part job as well. One could be in sales and one could be in healthcare. How to balance all these these commitments and still stay sane?
Let’s look at some advantages of having more than one job. With working two jobs, you have more money. You will be working with two different sets of people. You will also have responsibilities for each that aren’t the same. You could learn a set of new skills which could further your career at some point. Sometimes just a break in the work routine, from one job to another, will improve your job performances. You won’t have time to be bored. If one job goes out of business, you still have your other job to back you up. If you’re planning on starting your own business, having a main job will make sure you have income while you’re starting up your own.
A disadvantage could be that you’ll be too tired to be up to peak performance at either job. You need to get sufficient rest and eat properly. You will need excellent time management skills so you arrive on time for both jobs. It may be difficult to get a day off from both jobs at the same time. Some companies don’t want you to work a second job. They can’t stop you unless you have a non compete agreement and your side job is in the same field. Your primary job can’t stop you from working a second job otherwise but I wouldn’t say anything about working another job unless you know how it will be received.
How can you cope with the challenges of multi jobs? You can make sure the second job you have is something you like doing. If you like it, you’ll enjoy going to work. Try to schedule your day in parts so you’re not running from one job to another without a break. Switching back and forth between jobs can be difficult when the job tasks are different. Taking a breather can help separate the two. Focus on what’s in front of you. When you’re working for Job number 1, then that’s where all of you should be, not dwelling on aspects of Job number 2. Each job is paying you for all your time and experience not just part of you. Also don’t bring work from Job1 to Job 2 or vise versa. If you don’t have your boss at Job 1’s permission to work on tasks from Job 2, then you’re cheating boss number 1.
Having more than one job doesn’t mean you can’t have a social life or enjoy time with your friends and family. It does mean juggling your time and balancing everything. It can be done.
How do you manage the challenges that arise when you work multi jobs? I’d be interested in any feedback you have!
By Linda Lee Ruzicka
Linda Lee Ruzicka lives in the mountains of Western PA , happily married and with her 8 cats and three dogs. She has been published in Twilight Times, Dark Krypt, Fables, Decending Darkness, Writing Village, June Cotner anthology, The Grit, Reminisce , the book, Haunted Encounters: Friends and Family. She is a Affiliate member of the Horror Writers Association She also does freelances work for Beyond and for Salesheads. More of her blogs can be found at Salesheads blog.

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