How to Apply for an Open Job with Your Current Employer

John Scott
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One of the benefits of working with a large company is the opportunity to advance from within. While it is tempting to believe that working for the hiring company gives you an automatic "in," it is crucial that you approach the open position with the same degree of seriousness and professionalism that you would any other job. The following are a few tips to consider when looking to get hired at your current company.

Know Your Company

Even if you have been with your company for a long time, it is advisable to become as knowledgeable about it as you can before applying for the open position. Create a file with all your company's vital stats, especially details that concern the person or department hiring for the position you want. Researching your company helps you navigate the interview with grace and skill and makes it possible for you to answer almost any question with a high degree of competence. Excellent research tools include the corporate website and even the websites of competitors. Also study executive biographies, annual financial reports and the latest press releases.

Make Sure Your Company Knows You

The fact that you have spent time working for your company does not necessarily ensure that key people know who you are or why you deserve a shot at an open position. Think of yourself as a new hire, and start from scratch. Present an updated cover letter and resume tailored to the new job, and assume the highest degree of professionalism possible. Clarify specific reasons for applying and the specific skills you believe you can bring to the job. These actions show your superiors that you take the open job opportunity seriously.

Get familiar with co-workers from the hiring department. Network with them to gain a better understanding of what the job entails and whether it is worth the effort. They may offer you pertinent information about who you will be working for and be willing to put in a good word for you. The more you learn about the open position before applying and interviewing, the better.

Let Your Boss Know

Employers like to know what is going on with their employees. While it may seem awkward to explain to your current boss that you are considering leaving your current job to apply for another open position, it will be even more awkward if she finds out from someone other than you. If you are honest with your boss about what you are doing and why, you may even find that your boss is willing to give you a recommendation with the new hiring manager.

Advancing from within your current company can be a great opportunity as long as you remain mindful of these guidelines. Re-educate yourself about your organization, put your best professional persona forward, and be honest about your intentions. With an open position at your current company, your next job may be closer than you think.


(Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles /


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